Workplace Grief: How Employers Can Support Bereaved Employees

Grief doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It follows us into every aspect of our lives, including the workplace. While the loss is a deeply personal experience, its impacts extend into the professional realm, affecting an individual’s productivity, engagement, and overall well-being. As employers, understanding how to navigate workplace grief and provide support to bereaved employees is crucial.

Recognise the Impact

The first step is recognising the significant impact grief can have on an employee. Bereavement can lead to an increased likelihood of physical and mental health issues, a decrease in concentration and productivity, and higher rates of absenteeism. Understanding these impacts allows employers to better empathise with their employees’ experiences and take appropriate supportive actions.

Foster Open Communication

Creating an environment that encourages open communication is key. Let your employees know it’s okay to talk about their grief, to share their feelings, or to ask for support when they need it. Having these conversations might be challenging, but they are necessary for establishing a supportive workplace culture.

Be Flexible

Grief doesn’t adhere to a timeline. Be patient and offer flexibility wherever possible. This might involve offering a flexible work schedule, providing time off, or adjusting an employee’s workload. Recognise that everyone grieves differently, and what works for one person might not work for another.

Provide Resources

Employees might not be aware of the resources available to them. Be proactive in sharing information about Employee Assistance Programs, mental health resources, or local grief support services. At The Bereavement Café, for instance, we offer bespoke workshops designed to educate and support both employees and employers in dealing with bereavement.

Encourage Peer Support

While professional help is crucial, peer support can also be incredibly beneficial. Consider creating a safe space for employees to connect, share their experiences, and support each other. This could be a dedicated channel on your communication platform, regular check-ins, or a support group.

Develop a Bereavement Policy

A clear, compassionate bereavement policy is essential in managing workplace grief. The policy should outline the support available to bereaved employees, including leave entitlements, resources, and any additional assistance your organisation provides. Make this policy easily accessible to all employees.

As employers, we have a responsibility to support our employees in times of loss. By recognising the impacts of grief, fostering open communication, offering flexibility, providing resources, encouraging peer support, and developing a clear bereavement policy, we can help our employees navigate their grief while maintaining a supportive, compassionate workplace environment.

At The Bereavement Café, we are committed to supporting individuals and organisations in navigating the complex journey of grief. With our tailored services, we aim to provide the tools, knowledge, and understanding necessary to foster a supportive environment for bereaved individuals. Connect with us today to learn more about how we can support you and your employees in times of grief.

31 Jul 2023


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