We are super excited to announce that The Youth Bereavement Cafe is popping up everywhere!

With 1 in 29 children bereaved of a Parent or sibling before the age of 18 (stats from 2018 & don’t include other significant-close bereavements), and waiting lists for counselling and other services at 6 months +, it is vital that we offer a safe space for our children to sit and talk if they want to.

After successful trials we have noted that

The children would prefer us to go to them

That they don’t always want to talk to a teacher / parent

They enjoyed seeing that they weren’t alone in school

struggling with a Bereavement

They listened and agreed with each other about their thoughts

We can work with 6-8 children at a time, hosting 4 X 1 hour weekly sessions

The positives of The Bereavement Cafe coming to your school;

* direct face to face support

* professionally trained staff in grief recovery & able to relay lived experience

* Reduce wait lists for counselling

* can help improve behaviour, attainment & attendance

* Support teachers working with youths

1 Aug 2023


Pop-up Cafés